Senin, 12 Oktober 2015

Youth Lasts Forever

Say we’re young
As young as dawn
We’ll live life tomorrow
Like there will be no sorrow
Say we’re wild
As wild as dreams
Take a deep breath for a while
Ready to wade the stream
Say we’re free
As free as a covey of birds
We’ll face everything ahead
Like a knight in the battlefield
We’ll put our names in history
Someday we’ll feel the glory and hold the victory
We have our own jackboots
Like the one that Marilyn Monroe had to hit Hollywood
We’ll struggle
Don’t care about the obstacle
We’ll make life better
Like youth lasts forever
Now say I am young and dangerous
I have heart and mind which is enormous
I will fight, I will love, I will forgive
Cause I was born to conquer everything
Everyday I’ll be a gainer of this life gambler
Because youth lasts forever


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