Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

Task 1: Change your words, change your world. What message wants to be delivered by those words?

Let me give you an example for this case: “Buanglah sampah pada tempatnya” and “Selamatkan bumi untuk anak cucu kita” which words will be more effective to use? I think the most effective will be the second one. If we use the first one it’s very simple and usual so people will ignore it and keep throwing rubbish everywhere. If we use the second words people will think in long effect of throw the rubbish everywhere, they will think how if their children, grandchildren and all of their heir would be no longer can see how beauty the world is because of their bad habit for keep throwing rubbish everywhere. So, two different words could have same meaning but the words like the second words which is meaningful and touching will be the most effective to be obeyed by people. From now on either if we want to write a message made from some words or if we want to speak, it is important to think about which words we’d like to use and feel if it is the suitable words to be written and to be spoken.

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