Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014


The video tells us about tom and rose’s love story. But their love is forbidden by tom’s mother. Tom’s mother tries to separate them. But finnally they come together again, because their power of love that appear with pond’s effect.

Question 1 : why the theme of love is use to endorse POND’S?
Answer :
Pond’s marketing targets are teenagers and women. Why have to using love theme? Because love is so universal and have an emotional touching. So everyone can accept this. Pond’s slogan in that advertisement is “love conquers all”. It seems like pond’s want to prove to everyone that pond’s has a great power of love. It means that pond’s can eliminate some people problem in their life with pond’s, especially in love.

Question 2 : elaborate the relevant of love, white and POND’S
Answer :
Love is universal thing, so it can accept with a lot of people. Love can means everything. And in that video we can see that after we found our true love it doesn’t mean that love will growing better, we have to survive in love. In that video rose and tom will be examined how strong of their love can conquer every hitch in the middle of their love. And at the beginning of the video we can see daisy flower. Daisy is symbol of the power of love and daisy means innocent, sincerity and loyalty.

Pond’s tries to give an arrangement to teenagers (the marketing target of ponds) How important to keep beauty on skin face. Start from have a beauty, clear, white and shiny skin that believed will give them more self confidence. And the most impression thing in teenage is about flirting someone and getting love. Love story is the most suitable topic for teenagers lifes. So ponds campaigns its product with the most acceptable theme by its targets.

Symbolism that prove white is good and black is bad from dress and accessories that wearing with the cast. And the symbolism that pond’s can disguising black spot in 7 days like rose’s school eviction with tom’s mother.

Eviction in the video 

dress and accessories that wear with rose (good=white) and tom’s mother (black=bad) 

eviction black spot on rose’s face in 7 days. 

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