Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014

Task 4: Slogans

Aqua: “Dari kita untuk Indonesia” 

Aqua persuades Indonesians to drink it. People will help the dryness regions in Indonesia if they buy Aqua. The advertising technique being used is patriotism.

Sosis So Nice: “Juara makan So Nice”

Sosis So Nice is targeting all people especially kids to buy the product. The product is sold by using words from famous people. In this advertisement, Sosis So Nice is promoted by famous athlete. So, Sosis So Nice uses testimonial technique.

Kispray: “Pilihan isteri cerdas”

Moms are target of this product. Kispray suggests moms to use this product by saying that kispray is the choice of smart moms. The technique being used in this advertisement is logical appeal.

HIT: “Ada yang lebih bagus dari HIT? Yang lebih mahal banyak”

HIT makes assumption that this product is better than others and aims to flatter it’s own product. So HIT makes snob appeal as it’s advertising technique. The targets are housewifes who want to protect their family from mosquito bites.

Sensodyne: “Perlindungan dari rasa ngilu”

In this advertisement, Sensodyne is presenting an expert who is a dentist, he said that Sensodyne is the best solution for sensitive teeth. And the target of Sensodyne advertisement is people with sensitive problem teeth.

Reebok: “I am what I am”

The slogan that used by reebok is using simple phrases that sound good but have no real value or meaning. So, the technique of this advertisement is glittering generalizations. The target is all people.

State Farm Insurance: “Like a good neighbor State Farm is there”

State Farm makes an appeal to the common person by saying words such the slogan. The target of State Farm is family men or dads”

Mastin: “good…..”

In this advertisement, the words: Mastin good….. are repeated several times for effect and to attract consument’s attention. Repeating the slogan makes people remember the product. So, mastin uses repetition technique. Mastin is a beauty and health product so it’s target is people who want to be more health and beauty.

L-Men: “Trust me it works”

L-Men wants to make people especially men to believe that if they drink L-Men they will have good body. Technique being used is emotional appeal. And the target is men who want to have good body.

 Walmart: “Save money live better”

Advertisers of walmart try to convince people to make the right decision or best choice in purchasing their product. So, walmart advertisement uses logical appeal as it’s advertising technique. The target is all people.


Why is an insurance product could be more effective if it is advertised like that?

As we know that insurance product is a product that offers protection for saftier and guarantee life such as protection of family healthy, education and soul. The advertisement makes them aware if maybe someday bad things such as accident, suicide, disaster etc happen. So people would not think twice to use insurance for their life. Everything could be solved easier because of using insurance.


The video tells us about tom and rose’s love story. But their love is forbidden by tom’s mother. Tom’s mother tries to separate them. But finnally they come together again, because their power of love that appear with pond’s effect.

Question 1 : why the theme of love is use to endorse POND’S?
Answer :
Pond’s marketing targets are teenagers and women. Why have to using love theme? Because love is so universal and have an emotional touching. So everyone can accept this. Pond’s slogan in that advertisement is “love conquers all”. It seems like pond’s want to prove to everyone that pond’s has a great power of love. It means that pond’s can eliminate some people problem in their life with pond’s, especially in love.

Question 2 : elaborate the relevant of love, white and POND’S
Answer :
Love is universal thing, so it can accept with a lot of people. Love can means everything. And in that video we can see that after we found our true love it doesn’t mean that love will growing better, we have to survive in love. In that video rose and tom will be examined how strong of their love can conquer every hitch in the middle of their love. And at the beginning of the video we can see daisy flower. Daisy is symbol of the power of love and daisy means innocent, sincerity and loyalty.

Pond’s tries to give an arrangement to teenagers (the marketing target of ponds) How important to keep beauty on skin face. Start from have a beauty, clear, white and shiny skin that believed will give them more self confidence. And the most impression thing in teenage is about flirting someone and getting love. Love story is the most suitable topic for teenagers lifes. So ponds campaigns its product with the most acceptable theme by its targets.

Symbolism that prove white is good and black is bad from dress and accessories that wearing with the cast. And the symbolism that pond’s can disguising black spot in 7 days like rose’s school eviction with tom’s mother.

Eviction in the video 

dress and accessories that wear with rose (good=white) and tom’s mother (black=bad) 

eviction black spot on rose’s face in 7 days. 

Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

Task 1: Change your words, change your world. What message wants to be delivered by those words?

Let me give you an example for this case: “Buanglah sampah pada tempatnya” and “Selamatkan bumi untuk anak cucu kita” which words will be more effective to use? I think the most effective will be the second one. If we use the first one it’s very simple and usual so people will ignore it and keep throwing rubbish everywhere. If we use the second words people will think in long effect of throw the rubbish everywhere, they will think how if their children, grandchildren and all of their heir would be no longer can see how beauty the world is because of their bad habit for keep throwing rubbish everywhere. So, two different words could have same meaning but the words like the second words which is meaningful and touching will be the most effective to be obeyed by people. From now on either if we want to write a message made from some words or if we want to speak, it is important to think about which words we’d like to use and feel if it is the suitable words to be written and to be spoken.